Hep C treatment cost in Canada

Janet’s Story on Hep C Treatment cost in Canada

My personal experience with Generic Harvoni:

(Harvoni cost in Canada or epclusa cost in Canda not mentioned) Within the last two months my life has went from a pleasant routine, into total disruption (Canada). It started one morning when I awoke to a pain in my right side. As the day progressed, the pain grew worse and spread unto my lower abdomen due to hepatitis C, ledipasvir sofosbuvir. Finally when the pain grew unbearable, my husband insisted on driving me to the emergency room. It was midnight and luckily the emergency room wasn’t crowded.

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After blood work and ultra sound, the only thing that could be determined was that my liver enzymes were elevated. I was given a much-appreciated pain shot with an appointment set for the next week with a surgeon. The ultra sound had not detected any gallstones, but the physician on staff suspected that the gallbladder might have been the problem. The pain subsided and the doctor and I concluded that it might have been a one-time thing.  Generic Harvoni really helped within the 2 weeks of beginning my twelves course for hep C.

 Harvoni Cost in Ottawa, Canada

A month passed, and I had acquired a new bookkeeping job. Within days of going back to work, the pain began again. I was able to acquire pain medication from family and called the doctor to set another appointment. During this time, I wasn’t able to focus on my job for the pain and feeling ill. However, I continued to try. My boss did not understand and in so many words, asked me to leave. Hep C treatment cost learn more

Returning to the doctor and more testing, the gallbladder was ruled out. However, my liver enzymes were not normalizing. The surgeon recommended a gastroenterologist, hopefully he will prescribe generic harvoni cost won’t be too much.

Unrelated to my problems, my father also was having serious surgery, and I needed to delay any further testing for a time. The surgeon suggested that I not delay seeing the gastroenterologist for very long.

My Father did well, and I continued on with further blood work. This time, the blood work revealed that I was positive for Hepatitis C. The doctor had to do further testing to see if the virus was chronic. When I asked him when I would know, he stated that I would be the second to know, with him being the first. This was said in a stern matter of fact tone and something I didn’t need.

Harvoni Cost in Canada

My husband is bi-bolar and is also having problem with acid reflux. He had a manic episode, during this time, compounding everything. He is about to lose his job from missing so much work and with it our insurance.

This letter is for our doctors. You are our health source. We depend on you for information and understanding, along with the your medical knowledge. Please try to understand that we have lives that are on hold and disrupted. Decisions and arrangements of one’s life are made, by test results and answers. Try not to be callous when we seem impatient. We understand that testing and results take time; we just need to have some idea as to their expedition but do know that hep c treatment cost in Canada is affordable.