Chronic Viral Hepatitis: Questions & Answers Part 3

chronic hepatitis c virus

Is It Dangerous To Use Shared Dishes & Cutlery?

Chronic viral hepatitis: common questions answered. No. Hepatitis B and C are not transmitted by sharing dishes and cutlery. The use of shared toothbrushes, for example, is not recommended, as there is a certain risk.

Can I Hug & Kiss My Children & Loved Ones?

Yes, you can do this without having to worry about infecting them. Chronic viral hepatitis is not transmitted through hugs, friendly kisses, and handshakes.

General Nail Scissors – Is It Dangerous?

Avoid using common sharp objects. If you injure yourself, particles of infected blood can remain on the surface. The surface can be of scissors, razors, toothbrushes, toothpicks, etc.

And, if someone close to you also damages their skin, blood with the virus can get into the wound. So, it can infect them!

I Have A Cat. Sometimes It Gets Scratched. Is It Dangerous For My Family Members?

Indeed, a small amount of blood can remain on the claws, as well as on nail scissors. And although, there are no proven cases of hepatitis transmission “through the cat”. This possibility cannot be completely excluded. There is very little blood left on the claws, cats lick them and change the top layer of claws. So, the probability of transmission of hepatitis in this way tends to be zero. For full confidence, you still need to get vaccinated against hepatitis B.

It will protect your family from contracting this disease in any way. Including “through a cat”.

I Was Diagnosed With Hepatitis, Can I Have A Child?

Yes, Chronic Viral Hepatitis is not a contraindication to pregnancy. It does not have a noticeable negative effect. The effect cannot be on the development of the fetus. It does not prevent the mother from carrying the child.

I Have Chronic Viral Hepatitis, Will My Baby Be Born Sick?

No. There is no report of intrauterine infection found. There is a small – about 5% probability of contracting hepatitis C during childbirth. But most often, an uninfected child is born to a mother with chronic viral hepatitis C.

The probability of a child contracting hepatitis B during childbirth is higher. It depends on many factors, in particular, on the viral load. To reduce the risk of infection, children born to infected mothers get vaccinated. They get vaccinated against hepatitis B in the first 24 hours.

Is It Possible To Give Birth With Chronic Viral Hepatitis?

Yes. Chronic Viral Hepatitis is not a contraindication to natural childbirth. The probability of infection of the child during childbirth doesn’t depend on methods. The method of delivery is one. A cesarean section can get prescribed by a doctor who conducts pregnancy. It is according to the usual indications for such cases.

Can I Breastfeed If I Have Chronic Viral Hepatitis?

Yes. Breast milk may contain the virus. It is when the baby does not have open wounds in its mouth. It cannot become infected during breastfeeding. If the baby has inflammation and bleeding in the month, it is better to refrain. The refrain is from breastfeeding. This goes the same if you have any cracks or bleeding nipples.

What Should Be Done to Reduce The Likelihood Of A Child Contracting Chronic Viral Hepatitis?

It is necessary to vaccinate the child against hepatitis B in the first 12 hours. It is to form a full-fledged immunity to hepatitis B. The vaccination should get repeated too. Then your child will not get hepatitis B.

Unfortunately, there is no vaccination against hepatitis C yet.

Can A Child Get Sick If His Father Is Ill With Chronic Viral Hepatitis, But His Mother Is Healthy?

No, the father cannot infect the child during conception.

Even though viral hepatitis is not transmitted through household contacts. The child still has a chance to get infected by the father. This is possible if you violate the rules of personal hygiene. This goes the same for use of common reusable tools for skin-damaging manipulations. They are manicures, injections, brushing your teeth, etc.

The Test Showed That My Child Has Antibodies To The Hepatitis C Virus In His Blood – Is He Sick?

Not obligatory. Antibodies to the hepatitis C virus can get transmitted in utero. It is not the virus itself. In this case, they remain in the child’s blood for 12-18 months. The diagnosis of viral hepatitis can happen if the virus gets detected in the blood.

To confirm or refute the diagnosis, you need to perform a qualitative analysis (PCR). Do it in 6 and 12 months after birth.

chronic viral hepatitis:

Do I Need To Screen My Family Members For Hepatitis?

Yes, because there is a risk of infection from sexual partners. It is to other family members too. It is when sharing personal hygiene items. They can be nail scissors, toothbrushes, shaving accessories, toothpicks, etc.

Can The Body Handle Hepatitis On Its Own?

Yes. But only with acute hepatitis. If hepatitis has got turned into a chronic form, you will not be able to recover on your own. You need the help of a doctor then.

Can Chronic Viral Hepatitis Be Cured?

Yes. Modern drugs can completely cure chronic viral hepatitis C in all infected people. It is regardless of genotype, age, and other factors. In this case, the virus is completely removed from the body. But the antibodies remain for life. This is no longer an indicator of the disease.

The hepatitis B virus is not completely removed from the body. Proper and timely treatment reduces its destructive activity to almost zero. Even though the virus remains in the blood, it is no longer dangerous.

Do I Always Need To Treat Chronic Viral Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is a dangerous disease that can lead to cirrhosis and even liver cancer. And it is better to cure it. It is not always necessary to do this.

The decision to start treatment can only be through a doctor. After studying the tests and results of a liver study, he may decide to postpone. It is to start the treatment. The virus activity is so low that it does not pose a threat to your body yet. But it is possible that for some reason it is not necessary or impossible to treat hepatitis right away.

If your doctor has decided not to start therapy now, you should see them. It is at least once a year. It is to see the activity of the virus, and the state of the body, and not miss the activation of the disease.

Why Do I Need Treatment?

Despite the absence of pronounced symptoms, chronic viral hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis. It can even be liver cancer. It goes without the necessary treatment too. A person with untreated hepatitis can infect others, including relatives and friends.

I Have Hepatitis. How Much Alcohol Is Safe For Me To Drink?

Like hepatitis, alcohol causes inflammation in the liver. Chronic viral hepatitis faster causes changes in the structure of the liver. It leads to the development of severe forms of fibrosis and cirrhosis. This is in combination with alcohol. Thus, alcohol should be completely excluded.

Can I Get Hepatitis Again?

Yes, immunity to viral hepatitis C is not formed. After full recovery, re-infection is possible.

The hepatitis B virus cannot be completely removed from the body. But immunity to it can get formed before the infection with a special vaccination.

How To Avoid Getting Hepatitis?

Unfortunately, 100% insurance against infection with viral hepatitis is impossible. But by following a few simple rules, you can reduce the risk:

  • – Do not do manicures, pedicures, tattoos, piercings, etc.;
  • – Avoid using any other people’s non-sterile piercing and cutting objects. It can be a medical, manicure, and other tools too;
  • – Check regularly for hepatitis;
  • get vaccinated against hepatitis B. This will protect you 100% from this disease.

What Is Immunity To The Disease?

Immunity to any disease is the body’s ability to recognize and destroy the infection. It is without allowing the body to get sick.

Immunity can get formed. It can be after a previous illness or after vaccination. As a result, antibodies appear in the human blood that recognize the causative agent. It is a disease to the body’s defense systems.

What chronic viral Hepatitis Can I Get Vaccinated Against?

Currently, there are vaccinations against hepatitis A and B.

This is the most effective means of preventing these diseases.

Antibodies to the hepatitis C virus do not have a protective function. There is currently no vaccine for hepatitis C. But work on its creation is underway.

Who Needs To Be Vaccinated Against Hepatitis B?

Vaccination against hepatitis B should get done for everyone. It is to those who have not had it. Figure it out with the help of tests. It is because a person does not always know that he had acute hepatitis B and he recovered on his own.

All family members of a hepatitis B patient must get vaccinated.

It is also recommended to vaccinate patients with hepatitis C.

Can I Get Hepatitis B From Vaccination?

No. The vaccine does not contain the virus. This is a synthesized fragment of the virus envelope. It’s not dangerous at all.

How Often Should I Get Vaccinated Against Hepatitis B?

To get stable immunity, vaccination should get carried out in three stages. A month after you received your first vaccination, you need to do the second one. After another 5 months, the third one. After that, 90-95% of those vaccinated develop immunity.

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